1. Transaction risk: Is the risk of adverse exchange rate movements between the date the price is agreed and the date cash is received /paid ,arising during normal international trade. 交易風險:由于約定價格日 VS 收付款日之間的匯率的不利波 動的風險。
2. Translation risk: Is the risk that the organization will make exchange losses when the accounting results of its foreigh branches or subsidiaries are translated into the home currency. 折算風險:將國外分部的資產(chǎn)、負債折算成本幣時,賬面上的損 失。但實際不產(chǎn)生現(xiàn)金流,但會導致財務報表不好看,影響股價,或者股東對公 司的看法。
3. Economic risk: Is the risk that the present value of a company’s future cash flow might be reduced by adverse exchange rate movements. 經(jīng)濟風險:是公司的未來 現(xiàn)金流的 PV 值會因為匯率的不利不動而減少。
補充:PPP 購買力平價理論認為,兩國匯率波動受兩國的通脹率的影響。在市場 有效的情況下,因為通脹導致的匯率損失會被售價上漲所彌補。但長此以往,這 個國家的貨幣會失去競爭力 competitive position。 自此,該貨幣的定價權‘law of one price’ 將不在持續(xù)。比如,歷史上的 USA 崛起&UK 的衰弱。所以,如果一國 貨幣長期處于相對較弱的經(jīng)濟形勢中,很可能會面臨經(jīng)濟風險,因為從長期來看, 未來現(xiàn)金流的價值會 decline.